Baby Shower Games

Baby Shower Games: Fun Ideas to Delight Your Guests

Baby showers are a joyous occasion, a time to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new bundle of joy. One of the best ways to ensure everyone has a blast is by including a variety of fun and engaging games. Here are some fantastic baby shower game ideas that your guests will enjoy playing.

Classic Baby Shower Games

Classic Baby Shower Games

Guess the Baby Food

How to Set Up: To start, purchase several different types of baby food and remove the labels. Number each jar for identification.

Rules and Tips:

  • Provide guests with spoons and napkins.
  • Have them taste each jar and write down their guesses.
  • Wins go to the guest who makes the most accurate guesses.
  • This game is both hilarious and surprisingly challenging, perfect for breaking the ice.

Baby Bingo

Materials Needed:

  • Pre-made Baby Bingo cards or blank sheets of grid paper.
  • Pens or markers.

How to Play:

  • Guests fill their Bingo cards with items they think the parent-to-be will receive.
  • As gifts are opened, they mark off their cards.
  • The first person to get a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) shouts “Bingo!” and wins a prize. This game keeps guests engaged during gift opening and adds an element of competition.

The 5-Second Rule Game for Baby Shower

The “5 Second Rule” game is fast-paced and hilarious, challenging guests to think quickly and come up with answers on the spot. It’s a great way to add laughter and excitement to the baby shower.

Materials Needed:

  • A timer (set to 5 seconds).
  • A list of baby-related questions or prompts.

How to Play:

  1. Preparation: Prepare a list of prompts or questions related to babies and parenting. For example, “Name 3 baby shower gifts,” “Name 3 things you need for a baby nursery,” or “Name 3 baby boy names.”
  2. Gameplay:
    • Divide guests into teams or play individually.
    • One player is selected to answer first. The host reads a prompt, and the player has 5 seconds to name three items that fit the prompt.
    • If the player succeeds within 5 seconds, they get a point. If not, the turn passes to the next player.
  3. Winning: Continue playing until everyone has had a turn. The player or team with the most points at the end wins a prize.

Baby Photo Guessing Game


  • Ask guests to bring a baby photo of themselves before the shower.
  • Display these photos on a board with numbers for identification.

Playing the Game:

  • Guests write down who they think is in each photo.
  • The person with the most correct guesses wins. This nostalgic game brings lots of laughter and conversation as guests reminisce about their baby days.

Prediction Games

Prediction Games

Guess the Baby’s Arrival Date

Setting Up the Game:

  • Write all the possible dates on slips of paper and place them in a jar.

How to Participate:

  • Guests draw a date and write their name on it.
  • The guest whose date is closest to the actual birthdate wins. This game extends the fun beyond the shower, keeping everyone excited for the big day.

Guess the Baby’s Measurements

What to Guess:

  • Baby’s weight, length, and head circumference.

How to Record and Announce Winners:

  • Have guests write down their guesses.
  • The closest guess in each category wins a prize. This game taps into everyone’s curiosity and adds a scientific twist.

Trivia and Knowledge-Based Games

Baby Shower Trivia

Creating Questions:

  • Include questions about baby care, the parents-to-be, and baby-related facts.

Conducting the Trivia:

  • Organize attendees into groups or ask them to respond on their own.
  • The group or individual with the most accurate responses wins.
  •  Trivia games are great for sparking conversations and learning new things.

Parent-to-Be Trivia

How Well Do You Know the Parents?

  • Create questions about the parents’ history, relationship, and plans with their baby.
  • The winner of the award is the one with the most accurate responses. 
  • This game helps guests feel more connected to the parents and adds a personal touch.

Interactive and Physical Games

Interactive and Physical Games

Baby Shower Scavenger Hunt

List of Items:

  • Create a list of baby-related items hidden around the venue.

Rules of the Hunt:

  • Guests search for items within a set time limit.
  • A prize is awarded to the person who discovers the most objects. 
  • A scavenger hunt encourages movement and interaction, making the shower lively.

Diaper Relay Race

Setup and Rules:

  • Set up stations with dolls and diapers.
  • Guests race to diaper the dolls as quickly as possible.

Tips for a Fun Race:

  • Ensure diapers and dolls are easy to handle.
  • The fastest and most accurate diapering wins. This game is a riot, showcasing both speed and skill.

Creative and Crafty Games

Decorate a Onesie

Materials Needed:

  • Plain white onesies, fabric markers, and decorations.

Judging the Best Design:

  • Guests decorate onesies with their unique designs.
  • The best design wins a prize. This game doubles as a creative outlet and provides keepsakes for the parents-to-be.

Baby Sock Matching

How to Prepare:

  • Mix up a pile of baby socks.

Playing the Game:

  • Guests race to match as many pairs as possible within a time limit.
  • The person with the most pairs matched wins. Simple yet fun, this game tests guests’ speed and attention to detail.

Guessing Games

Guess the Baby’s Name

How to Play:

  • Guesses on the baby’s name are recorded by the guests.
  • The closest or most creative guess wins a prize.

This game is always a hit, allowing guests to show off their creativity and intuition.

Guess the Number of Items

Setting Up:

  • Fill a jar with small baby items (e.g., pacifiers, socks).

How to Guess and Win:

  • Guests write down their guesses.
  • The closest guess wins the jar of items. A straightforward game that everyone loves, with a sweet reward.

Memory and Observation Games

Baby Items Memory Game

How to Arrange:

  • Display a tray of baby items for a brief period.

Rules for Playing:

  • Guests try to remember and write down as many items as they can recall.
  • The winner is the one who has the most correctly listed items.
  • This game is a great way to challenge memory and observation skills.

What’s in the Diaper Bag?

Creating the Game:

  • Fill a diaper bag with various baby items.

Instructions for Guests:

  • Guests feel the bag and try to guess its contents.
  • Whoever makes the most accurate guesses wins.
  • An exciting game that tests tactile senses and familiarity with baby items.

Tips for Successful Baby Shower Games

Keeping Games Inclusive

Make sure the games you choose are fun for all ages and genders.

Balancing Fun and Comfort

Avoid games that might make guests uncomfortable or require too much physical activity.

Prizes and Rewards

Offer small but meaningful prizes to encourage participation and add to the fun.

How to make baby shower games?

Creating baby shower games that are fun and engaging involves a bit of planning, creativity, and consideration of your guests’ preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make baby shower games:

baby shower games

1. Choose the Right Games

  • Consider Your Guests: Think about the age range, interests, and personalities of the guests. Choose games that will be enjoyable and appropriate for everyone attending.
  • Mix It Up: Include a variety of games such as icebreakers, interactive activities, creative tasks, and simple guessing games.

2. Gather Materials

  • Make a list of all the supplies you’ll need for each game.
  • Ensure you have enough materials for all the guests.

3. Prepare the Games

  • Baby Bingo:
    • Materials: Pre-made Bingo cards, pens, and markers.
    • Preparation: Create or download Bingo cards with baby-related items. Make enough cards to give to each visitor.
    • Instructions: Distribute the cards and pens. Guests mark off items on their cards as the parent-to-be opens gifts. The winner is the first individual to get a whole line.
  • Guess the Baby Food:
    • Materials: Various jars of baby food, labels removed, spoons, napkins, and scorecards.
    • Preparation: Number each jar of baby food and prepare scorecards for guests to write their guesses.
    • Instructions: Have guests taste the baby food and write down their guesses. With the most accurate responses, the winner is.
  • Baby Photo Guessing Game:
    • Materials: Baby photos of guests, a display board, and numbered labels.
    • Preparation: Collect baby photos from guests beforehand. Display them on a board with numbers.
    • Instructions: Guests guess which photo belongs to which guest. The person with the most correct guesses wins.

4. Set Up the Games

  • Create Stations: If space allows, set up different areas or stations for each game. This can help manage the flow and keep guests engaged.
  • Organize Materials: Ensure all materials are in place and easily accessible.

5. Explain the Rules

  • Clear Instructions: At the start of each game, clearly explain the rules and how to play. Make sure everyone understands before beginning.
  • Demonstrate if Necessary: For more complex games, consider doing a quick demonstration.

6. Play the Games

  • Keep It Light and Fun: Encourage participation but don’t force anyone to play if they’re uncomfortable.
  • Monitor the Time: Keep an eye on the clock to ensure each game moves along smoothly and you have time for all planned activities.

7. Award Prizes

  • Small Prizes: Have small prizes for the winners of each game. This can be anything from candles to gift cards.
  • Participation Tokens: Consider having small tokens or treats for all participants, ensuring everyone feels included.

8. Consider Virtual Options

  • Adapt for Online: If you’re hosting a virtual baby shower, choose games that can be easily played over video calls, like Baby Bingo or Baby Shower Trivia.
  • Digital Tools: Use digital tools and apps to facilitate the games and keep everyone engaged.

Game Ideas and How to Make Them

1. Baby Emoji Pictionary

  • Materials: Emoji sheets, pens.
  • Preparation: Create sheets with baby-related phrases using emojis.
  • Instructions: Guests decode the emojis to guess the phrase. The most correct guesses win.

2. Virtual Baby Shower Bingo

  • Materials: Virtual Bingo cards, a video conferencing platform.
  • Preparation: Send Bingo cards to guests via email.
  • Instructions: Call out items during the virtual shower. Guests mark their cards. The first to get a Bingo wins a virtual prize.

3. Onesie Decorating Station

  • Materials: Onesies, fabric markers, decorations.
  • Preparation: Set up a station with all materials.
  • Instructions: Guests design onesies. The parent-to-be picks a favorite for a prize.

4. The Price is Right: Baby Edition

  • Materials: List of baby items and their prices guess sheets.
  • Preparation: Create a list of items and their prices.
  • Instructions: Guests guess the prices. Closest guesses win.

5. Diaper Thoughts

  • Materials: Diapers, markers.
  • Preparation: Set up a station with diapers and markers.
  • Instructions: Guests write funny or encouraging messages on diapers for late-night changes.


What are some no-prep baby shower games?

Some easy, no-prep games include Guess the Baby’s Arrival Date, Baby Shower Trivia, and Guess the Baby’s Name.

How can I make sure all guests participate in the games?

Choose inclusive games that appeal to a wide range of interests and abilities, and offer enticing prizes.

Are there any virtual baby shower game ideas?

Yes, games like Baby Bingo, Baby Shower Trivia, and Guess the Baby’s Name can be easily adapted for virtual platforms.

How many games should be played at a baby shower?

Typically, 3 to 5 games are enough to keep guests entertained without overwhelming them.

What are some budget-friendly baby shower games?

Many games like Baby Photo Guessing Game, Guess the Baby Food, and Baby Bingo can be set up with minimal cost.


Baby shower games are essential for creating a festive and memorable event. By incorporating a mix of classic, prediction, trivia, interactive, creative, guessing, and memory games, you ensure all guests have a blast. Remember to keep the games inclusive and balanced, with thoughtful prizes to encourage participation. With these tips and game ideas, your baby shower will be an unforgettable celebration.

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